Let’s go to a café and a shop!

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Let’s go to a café and a shop this lesson! And when we are there, let’s take a tour among the uncountable nouns, too. OK? Are you ready?

I am sure you know a lot about nouns, the words that denote things. So we will not practise the basics, but here comes a very short summary:

en flicka = a girl                                     ett bord = a table
flickan = the girl                                    bordet = the table
flickor = girls (5 flickor = 5 girls)         bord = tables (5 bord = 5 tables)
flickorna = the girls                              borden = the tables

And now a few words about a group of nouns that do not belong to the summary above: the uncountable nouns.
Just like in English, we can count a lot of things.
For example:
en tårta = one cake; en muffin = one muffin,
två semlor = 2 semlas (a Swedish pastry, we eat it in February),
3 mackor = 3 sandwiches;
4 bananer = 4 bananas;
5 tomater = 5 tomatoes.

We call these countable nouns. But there are things we cannot count.
For example: kaffe = coffee; socker = sugar; bröd = bread; mjölk = milk, luft = air. We call these uncountable nouns and they are names of substances. They do not have an indefinite article, “en” or “ett”, nor do they have a plural form (many airs), but they have a singular definite form: mjölk = milk, mjölken = the milk.

For English speakers it is not strange at all:
Jag äter inte socker. = I don’t eat sugar.
Jag tycker inte om vitt bröd. = I don’t like white bread.
Luften är frisk här inne. = The air is fresh in here.
Finns det mat på det där kaféet? = Do they serve food at that café?

So as you can see, the structure and build-up of these phrases are very similar to the way we say them in English. It is the same with indicating that we are talking about a larger amount. As they do not have a plural form, we use the word “mycket” to show that we are talking about “much” of something:
Kan jag få mitt kaffe med mycket mjölk utan socker, tack? = Could I please have my coffee with a lot of milk and without sugar?

Vi dricker ganska lite alkohol.

We only drink a bit of alcohol.

Kan jag få en bit äppelpaj med varm vaniljsås, tack?

Could I please have my coffee with a lot of milk and without sugar?

Min son tycker jättemycket om ungersk salami.

My son really likes Hungarian salami.

Jag tycker inte alls om cola.

I don’t like cola at all.

Jag skulle vilja ha en kopp te med lite honung, tack!

I want a cup of tea with a little honey please.

Tycker du om asiatisk mat?

Do you like asian food?

Kan jag få mitt kaffe med mycket mjölk utan socker, tack?

Could I please have my coffee with a lot of milk and without sugar?

Han drack bara 3 klunkar vatten.

He only drank 3 gulps of water.

Vad kostar en flaska mineralvatten?

How much does a bottle of mineral water cost?

Det finns ingen mjölk i kannan.

There is no water in the pitcher.

Jag tycker inte om vitt bröd.

I don’t like white bread.

Jag tycker om mycket kanel på min cappuccino.

I like a lot of cinnamon in my cappuccino.

Vill du ha en bit choklad?

Would you like a piece of chocolate?

Har ni jordgubbssylt?

Do you have strawberry jam?

Kan jag få 3 kulor vaniljglass, tack?

May I please have 3 globes of vanilla ice cream?

Han vill ha varm choklad.

He wants hot chocolate.

Hur mycket chokladsås vill du ha på glassen?

How much chocolate sauce would you like on the ice cream?

Kan jag få en dubbel espresso med vispad grädde, tack?

May I please have a double espresso with whipped cream.

Vill du smaka på yoghurten?

Would you like to taste the yoghurt?

Kan jag få lite ost på mitt knäckebröd?

May I have some cheese on my swedish cracker? (crispbread)

Hur mycket salt finns det i 100 g surdegsbröd?

How much salt is there in 100 grams of sourdough bread?

Det finns ungefär 1 gram salt i 100 gram bröd.

There is approximately 1 gram of salt in 100 grams of bread.

Finns det mat på det där kaféet?

Do they serve food at that café?

Finns det vitlök i soppan?

Is there any garlic in the soup?

Hur mycket vitlök finns i soppan?

How much garlic is in the soup?

Jag har lagt 5 klyftor i grytan.

I put 5 garlic cloves in the pot.

Försiktigt! Grytan är varm!

Watch out! The pot is hot!

Jag tar gärna en mindre bit korv.

I’d like a smaller piece of sausage please.

Jag har köpt 3 flaskor rött vin.

I have bought 3 bottles of red wine.

Vi glömde köpa öl.

We forgot to buy beer.

Köp inte mycket godis!

Don’t buy a lot of candy!

De hade inget rågbröd.

They didn’t have any rye bread.

Han åt 4 stora skivor bröd!

He ate 4 big slices of bread!

Hon dricker lingonsaft varje dag.

She drinks lingonberry juice every day.

Luften är frisk här inne.

The air is fresh in here.

Det luktar nybakat bröd!

It smells of freshly baked bread.

Det är mycket rök ute.

There is a lot of smoke outside.

Luften är varm, men vattnet är kallt.

The air is hot, but the water is cold.

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On the top, at the right-hand corner, change the language to Swedish – just to practise the language.

Ange koden  = insert the code,

och ditt namn = and your name then click on the “Ladda uppgifter” button (Worksheet Loading) and now you have already started practising.

You can copy the codes quickly, if you click in the number itself. Then you can paste it into the code field of the practice site.
Here  come the code to each worksheet. Please, work through them in the order as they are listed below.
First set of exercises
  1. Kod: 46546117 Lesson 11 / Quiz 1/A
  2. Kod: 56277331 Lesson 11 / Quiz 1/B
  3. Kod: 57499385 Lesson 11 / Test 1/A
  4. Kod: 46200125 Lesson 11 / Test 1/B
  5. Kod: 57997017 Lesson 11 / From English to Swedish 1.
Second set of exercises
  1. Kod: 36588457 Lesson 11 / Quiz 2/A
  2. Kod: 45131495 Lesson 11 / Quiz 2/B
  3. Kod: 32723523 Lesson 11 / Test 2/A
  4. Kod: 32965377 Lesson 11 / Test 2/B
  5. Kod: 39692904 Lesson 11 / From English to Swedish 2.
Third set of exercises
  1. Kod: 51607478 Lesson 11 / Quiz 3/A
  2. Kod: 65857966 Lesson 11 / Quiz 3/B
  3. Kod: 65951307 Lesson 11 / Test 3/A
  4. Kod: 54325641 Lesson 11 / Test 3/B
  5. Kod: 73988790 Lesson 11 / From English to Swedish 3.


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You have done a lot this week for improving your Swedish!

Listen to some Swedish music: Danny Saucedo – Dör för dig