Lesson 6

Numbers and fruits

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In today’s boost we are working with numbers, fruits and how we use the adjectives in phrases.
Ett äpple. = one apple
En banan. = one banana (Listen carefully for the intonation of the word ”banan”. Can you hear where the emphasis is, which syllable is emphasised?)
There are two forms of “one”: ”en” and ”ett”. When we use it for counting, it is exactly the same as when we use it as the translation of “a / an”. When we talk about more than one object or people, we use the plural form of the noun, just as in English:

Det finns två bananer på bordet. = There are two bananas on the table.
Det finns tre persikor på marken. = There are three peaches on the ground.
Det finns fyra apelsiner i korgen. = There are four oranges in the basket.
Det finns fem päron på träden. = There are five pears on the tree.
Det finns sex citroner i bunken. = There are six lemons in the bowl.
Det finns sju ananaser på tallriken. = There are seven pineapples on the plate.

I am sure you will not be surprised at the fact that we are changing the adjectives to match the nouns as well. Let us illustrate it on the adjective”mogen, moget, mogna” = ripe. You have to pay attention to two different distinctions: is the noun an “en” or an “ett” noun and is it in singular or plurar form? Now check out the end of the words:
En mogen banan. = One ripe banana. Fem mogna bananer. = 5 ripe bananas.
Ett moget äpple. = One ripe apple.
Tre mogna äpplen. = 3 ripe apples.
Köp hallon! – Buy raspberries!
Gillar du vindruvor? – Do you like grapes?
Kivin är syrlig. – The kiwi is sour.
Denna mango är hård. – This mango is hard.
Jag gillar inte plommon. – I do not like plums.
Torkad frukt. – Dried fruit.
5 goda skäl att äta blåbär:… – Five good reasons to eat blueberries: …
Frukt är nyttig mat. – Fruits are nutritious (food).

Det ligger två (2) bananer på bordet.

There are two bananas lying on the table.

Det ligger tre (3) persikor på marken.

There are three peaches lying on the ground.

Det ligger fyra (4) apelsiner i korgen.

There are four oranges lying in the basket.

Det hänger fem (5) päron på träden.

There are five pears hanging on the tree.

Det finns sex (6) citroner i bunken.

There are six lemons in the bowl.

Det står sju (7) ananaser på tallriken.

There are seven pineapples on the plate.

Det finns åtta (8) meloner i bilen.

There are eight melons in the car.

Jag har hittat nio (9) jordgubbar i trädgården.

I have found nine strawberries in the garden.

Vilket telefonnummer har du?

What’s your telephone number?

Mitt telefonnummer är 11 85 69.

My telephone number is 11 85 69.

Tio (10), Elva (11), Tolv (12),

10, 11, 12

Tretton (13), Fjorton (14), Femton (15)

13, 14, 15

Sexton (16), Sjutton (17), Arton (18)

16, 17, 18

Nitton (19), Tjugo (20), Tjugoett (21)

19, 20, 21

Trettio (30), Fyrtio (40), Femtio (50)

30, 40, 50

Sextio (60), Sjuttio (70), Åttio (80)

60, 70, 80

Nittio (90), Etthundra (100), Etthundraett (101)

90, 100, 101

Tvåhundra (200), Trehundra (300), Ettusen (1000)

200, 300, 1000

Nittio (90), Etthundra (100), Etthundraett (101)

90, 100, 101

Tvåhundra (200), Trehundra (300), Ettusen (1000)

200, 300, 1000

Två tusen (2000), Tre tusen (3000), Tio tusen (10.000)

2000, 3000, 10.000

Tvåhundratusen (200.000), Femhundratusen (500.000)

200.000, 500.000

En miljon (1.000.000), Tio miljoner (10.000.000)

1.000.000, 10.000.000

Etthundra miljoner (100.000.000)


Trettonhundra tjugoett (Ettusen trehundra tjugoett)


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och ditt namn = and your name then click on the “Ladda uppgifter” button (Worksheet Loading) and now you have already started practising.

You can copy the codes quickly, if you click in the number itself. Then you can paste it into the code field of the practice site.
Here  come the code to each worksheet. Please, work through them in the order as they are listed below.
First set of exercises
  1. Kod: 28347177 Lesson 6 / Quiz 1/A
  2. Kod: 61853141 Lesson 6 / Quiz 1/B
  3. Kod: 36731077 Lesson 6 / Test 1/A
  4. Kod: 57383730 Lesson 6 / Test 1/B
  5. Kod: 62309874 Lesson 6 / From English to Swedish 1.
Second set of exercises
  1. Kod: 25764488 Lesson 6 / Quiz 2/A
  2. Kod: 69473089 Lesson 6 / Quiz 2/B
  3. Kod: 37536907 Lesson 6 / Test 2/A
  4. Kod: 62927946 Lesson 6 / Test 2/B
  5. Kod: 68405692 Lesson 6 / From English to Swedish 2.
Third set of exercises
  1. Kod: 74791164 Lesson 6 / From English to Swedish 3/A
  2. Kod: 59924764 Lesson 6 / From English to Swedish 3/B


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